品茶的精美句子英文 (品茶的精美句子)

长沙品茶 07-02 阅读:46 评论:0
"Tea is the most universal beverage of all times." - Arthur Gilman
"Tea is the drink of contemplation." - Lao Tzu
"A cup of tea is a cup of peace." - Japanese proverb
"Tea is the elixir of life." - Chinese proverb
"The art of tea is the art of slowing down." - Thich Nhat Hanh
"Tea is a beverage that can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of age, sex, or religion." - Mahatma Gandhi
"Tea is a drink that can be both comforting and stimulating." - Dorothy Parker
品茶的精美句子英文 (品茶的精美句子)
"Tea is a beverage that can inspire creativity and thought." - William Wordsworth
"Tea is a beverage that can help us to connect with others." - Anonymous
"Tea is a beverage that can help us to find peace and tranquility." - Anonymous


