我最喜欢的城市是什么 (我最青睐的市区 英语作文)

长沙休闲 01-30 阅读:87 评论:0
我最喜欢的城市是什么 (我最青睐的市区 英语作文)




My favourite city is Changsha,I was born in changsha,where their is very beautiful and clean.with the devolopment of peoples living standars,its becoming increasingly important to live in a comfortable city ,dont worry.Changsha is the best one .let me introduce it for you .first,there are too much delicious food in the street.second,people there is very pretty .third,the weather is comfortable ,nither too hot nor too cold.so ,I like changsha very very much.翻译:




my favourite city is my home town--- GuangZhou. GuangZhou is one of the most dynamic city in China. Guang Zhou as my birthing place i love its unique culture and living style. people are having friendly and counteous personalities as well as good manners. Guang Zhou is also a big size city with large population and has best convenience in living. There are many shopping malls and food stands in GuangZhou providing convenience to residents. Transportaions are also providing convenience for workers and student like me in our daily life. Therefore GuangZhou as a famous city with much dynamic and conveniences made it my favourite city.





There are many great Chinese cities, but for me the greatest city has to be Xian,the city I came from.Xian is perhaps the greatest, and certainly one of the greatest ancient capitals of China. Thirteen dynasties made Xian their capital, including the three greatest dynasties in Chinese history: Zhou, Han and Tang. The city has a history of more than 3000 years, it was first constructed in the 12th century BC. Xian is also considered as one of the four greatest ancient capitals in the entire world. The ancient city of Chang An was to East Asia what Rome was to Europe. It is one of the only two ancient Chinese cities that was known in the classical western world. The ancient Greek name for Xian, or Chang An as it was then called, is Thyne Metropolis.For thousands of years Xian was at the eastern terminus of the great Silk Road, attracting visitors from India, Persia, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome and beyond. During the Han Dynasty Chang An was one of the largest cities in the world, and during the Tang Dynasty, it became the worlds largest and most prosperous city. Behind the huge city walls stretched a central avenue leading to the imperial palace that was laid with marble and one hundred and fifty metres wide. Although after the Tang Dynasty the city lost its former grandeur and prestige, it was still considered as one of the most important cities in China in subsequent dynasties up to the present day.





Changsha is a beautiful city in the center of Xiangjiang River. It is famous for Mao Zedong. It is like a huge ship.Changsha has built many beautiful roads floating on the water. The roads are wider and cleaner than before. There are endless cars.There are countless famous snacks in Changsha, like stinky tofu in pyrotechnics. Think about Changsha in the night It is even more beautiful. Looking at the height, colorful lights are shining like stars in the sky.It is worthy of being a city. Changsha is an ancient city and a young city. I love Changsha.中文翻译:美丽的长沙长沙市是湘江核心的一座美丽的市区橘子岛,它因此知名于世它就像一艘巨轮,沉没在水面上的长沙修建了许多美丽的路线,路线比以前更宽更洁净,汽车络绎不绝,流淌着数不清的长沙市区名小吃,像火工店的臭豆腐,想想流淌在夜色中的长沙更是美丽,看着高处,五彩壮丽的灯光像星星在天地面闪耀着它是不愧为市区的长沙是一座新鲜的市区,也是一座年轻的市区,我爱长沙。

求一篇英文作文 标题(我最青睐的市区)有汉语翻译

MYFAVOURITE CITYMy favourite city is Changsha,I was born in changsha,where their is very beautiful and clean.with the devolopment of peoples living standars,its becoming increasingly important to live in a comfortable city ,dont worry.Changsha is the best one .let me introduce it for you .first,there are too much delicious food in the street.second,people there is very pretty .third,the weather is comfortable ,nither too hot nor too cold.so ,I like changsha very very much.我最青睐的市区我最青睐的市区是长沙的,我出世在长沙,在那里他们很美丽又洁净。



Changsha is rich in tourist resources because of its unique geographical location.Surrounding the city are the beautiful Yuelu MountainDawei Mountain and Weishan Mountainand the Xiangjiang River and Liuyang River flow across it.

The Juzizhou scenic spot in the city is regarded as one of the eight most charming places in Hunan attracting both domestic and overseas visitors.





大家好,我是来自会计1131班的XX,Hi everyone,Im XX from Accounting Class1131.由于我是本地人,所以在我心中长沙是最美丽的中央。
As I am local to Changsha,I believe Changsha is the most beautiful place in my mind.接下来由我来向大家引见长沙十大美景。
Next, I shall introduce ten beautiful sights in Changsha.岳麓山:首先第一个是岳麓山,岳麓景色区是国度级重点景色名胜区,外面有很多景点,值得一看。
Yuelu Mountain:first of all,Yuelu Mountain is nationally well-known scenic area,there are many attractions worth visiting.烈士公园:第二个是烈士公园,旅游和文娱的综合性公园Martyrs park: the second attraction would be Martyrs Park, a comprehensive park with great scenic features and entertainment spots. 沿江景色带:第三个是长沙沿江景色带是一个景色柔美,绿树成荫的中央.是湘江之滨一颗绚烂的明珠.Riverside sight: Changsha, third on the itinerary, is a sight amongst the beautiful greenery trees. It is often regarded as a bright spot near xiangjiang river.步行街:第四个,步行街,一条冷落的商业街Pedestrian street: fourthly, the Pedestrian Street is a flourishing commercial street天心阁:第五个天心阁,是长沙仅存的古城标记。
Tian Xin Restaurant: the fifth place, Tian Xin Restaurant, is the only remaining relic from ancient city of Changsha.植物园:第六个植物园,那里的樱花很美。
Botanical garden: the sixth stop, Botanical garden, where it is known for its cherry blossoms.月亮岛:第七个月亮岛,是一个度假村,可以去那里露营。
The moon island: the seventh, Moon Island, is a resort, but there is also a campsite if anyone prefers camping. 生态生物园:第八个生态生物园,可以去看看那里的羊驼Ecological zoo: the eighth stop, Ecological zoo, has sheep and camels that would surely attract visitors.环球之窗:第九个环球之窗,中南地域最大最美丽的主题乐园。
The window of the world: the ninth stop, window of the world,is the largest and most beautifultheme park in south central region.橘子洲头:最后一个橘子洲头,每个星期六的早晨会燃放烟花。
JuZiZhou head: the last stop, JuZiZhou head, firework can be observed every Saturday night..谢谢欣赏thanks for watching

求一篇对于 长沙 的英文引见

A Brief Introduction to Changshas Tourist Industry ChangshaChangsha is rich in tourist resources because of its unique geographical location. Surrounding the city are the beautiful Yuelu Mountain, Dawei Mountain and Weishan Mountain, and the Xiangjiang River and Liuyang River flow across it. The Juzizhou scenic spot in the city is regarded as one of the eight most charming places in Hunan attracting both domestic and overseas visitors. The rapid social and economic development in Changsha has laid the foundation for the local tourism boom. In 1998, the city realized 54.285 billion yuan of GNP, which meant it had reached its strategic goal ahead of schedule and that local residents enjoy a higher standard of living. Changsha is also among the 50 top Chinese cities in terms of general economic strength. Being the political, economic, scientific and technological, educational, cultural and transportation center in Hunan, Changsha is quite a large place occupying land of 11,800 sq. km. With a population of 5.63 million. Changsha is among the first group of Chinese cities which were selected as famous historical and cultural cities in the country and allowed to open-up to the outside world. Thus, it has become an important city in central China enjoying the fastest economic growth and immense vitality. A cradle of the ancient Chu and Xiang civilizations rooted in central China, Changsha was the hometown of many great figures in both ancient and modern history of China, including Qu Yuan, Jia Yi, Zhu Xi, Zeng Guofan, Mao Zedong and Liu shaoqi. The city boasts countless discoveries of historical and cultural values. For example, unearthed here was the world-famous Mawangdui Tomb of the Han Dynasty, in which a female mummy and her jewelry, which are 2,000 years old, were discovered. Recently, 170,000 bamboo sticks that were used for printing books were found in an an cient tomb in Changsha. This discovery, harking back to the period from 220 to 280, is regarded as one of the most important archaeological discoveries in China so far. Changsha is also famous for being the home of Yuelu Shuyuan (an academic institution) which was established about 1,000 years ago. In 1998, Changsha received 25 million tourists and realized a turnover of 4.7 billion yuan This included 194,000 foreign visitors that created profits for the sector totaling $ 100 million. At present, Changsha has 44 hotels including three five-star, one four-star and eight three-star ones. The city also has 78 travel agencies operating both domestic and foreign business. Changsha has 170 popular scenic spots including five summer resorts. In 1998, Changsha won an award as one of the Top Tourist Cities in China. Tourist Consulting Offices ChangshaThe Changsha Administration of Tourism has established tourist consulting offices in various places including the western,eastern and northern long distance bus stations in Changsha, as well as the docks where the boats arrive, where tourist information and brochures are available. The city has also a special telephone number (0731-2253935), through which up-to-date tourist information can be obtained. The Signs in Public Places ChangshaAccording to international practice, the municipal administration of Changsha has provided public information signs in all major places including holiday villages, hotels, the airport, the railway station and the docks. All these signs are standard, accurate and conspicuous. Foreign Language ChangshaAll the street signs on the main roads and scenic spots are in both Chinese and English for the convenience of foreign visitors. Public Facilities ChangshaThanks to the reform and opening up policy, telecommunications in Changsha have developed rapidly, holding the leading place among the provinces. By the end of March 1999, there were 30,416 public telephones in Changsha, including 17,996 ordinary public telephones, 2,267 for use with IC cards, 421 portable ones and 9,565 installed on campus. All the travel agencies and hotels in the city provide the service of ticket reservation by telephone.

