正式上课英语 (正式上课英语翻译)

长沙桑拿 04-20 阅读:28 评论:0


正式上课英语 (正式上课英语翻译)
英语短语 中文翻译
Good morning/afternoon/evening, class. 上午/下午/晚上好,上课。
Please be seated. 请就座。
Let's begin with the roll call. 让我们开始点名。
Is everyone present today? 今天所有人都到齐了吗?
If you are absent, please let me know. 如果缺席,请告诉我。
Today's topic is... 今天的主题是...
Please take out your textbooks and turn to page... 请拿出课本并翻到第...页。
Let'sgo over the previous lesson. 我们回顾一下上一课。
Does anyone have any questions? 有人有问题吗?
Please raise your hand if you have a question. 如果你有问题,请举手。
Can you repeat that, please? 你能再说一遍吗?
I'm sorry, I didn't understand. 抱歉,我听不懂。
Can you explain that again? 你能再解释一下吗?
I'm not sure I understand. 我不太确定是否理解。
Could you give me an example? 你能给我举个例子吗?
I think you're right. 我认为你说得对。
I agree with you. 我同3ctd>Thank you for your attention. 感谢你的关注。
