上课英文用语 (上课英文用语怎么说)

长沙夜店 04-20 阅读:28 评论:0


情境 英语用语
询问问题 Excuse me,I have a question.
回答问题 The answer is...
同意某人的观点 I agree with you.
不同意某人的观点 I disagree with you.
寻求澄清 Could you please explain that again?
表达困惑 I'm not sure I understand.
征求意见 What do you think?
提供反馈 That's a good point.
提出建议 Perhaps we could try...
征求同意 Do you agree?
感谢某人 Thank you for your contribution.
道歉 I'm sorry for interrupting.
结束发言 Thank you, that's all I have to say.


  • Can you repeat that, please?
  • Could you speak up, please?
  • Could you write that on the board, please?
  • Can I ask a question?
  • Can I use the restroom?
  • Can I get a copy of the notes?
  • Can I borrow your notes?
  • Can I sit here?
  • Do you have any questions?
  • Does anyone have any questions?
  • Is this seat taken?
  • May I please sit here?
  • Would you like to answer the question?
  • Would you like to read the next paragraph?
  • Would you like to present your project?
  • Would you like to give us a summary of the chapter?
  • Would you like to discuss the main points of the lesson?


  • 在使用英语用语时,一定要清晰且有礼貌。
  • 不要害怕犯错,每个人都会犯错。
  • 多练习,你就会变得越来越自信。
  • 如果你不理解某事,请不要犹豫,向你的老师或同学寻求帮助。
上课英文用语 (上课英文用语怎么说)


