长沙一中2024模拟试卷一英语 (长沙一中2023高考喜报)

长沙耍耍 05-30 阅读:74 评论:0

第一部分 阅读理解(30分)

  1. 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

    In a small town in the Midwest, there lived a young woman named Alice. Alice had always dreamed of becoming a doctor, but her family was poor, and she could not afford to attend medical school. One day, Alice was walking through the town square when she saw a sign advertising a scholarship for aspiring doctors. The scholarship was offered by a local hospital, and it would cover all of Alice's tuition and expenses.

    Alice was overjoyed. She applied for the scholarship and was thrilled when she was awarded it. She began attending medical school the following year, and she quickly excelled in her studies. She graduated at the top of her class and went on to become a successful doctor.

    1. Where did Alice live?
    2. What did Alice want to become?
    3. How was Alice able to afford medical school?
    4. What did Alice do after graduating from medical school?
  2. 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

    The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. In the past, we had to rely on letters, telegrams, and phone calls to stay in touch with friends and family who lived far away. Today, we can communicate with them instantly and for free through email, social media, and video chat.

    The internet has also made it easier for us to learn new things. In the past, we had to go to the library or buy books to learn about new topics. Today, we can find information on almost any topic online, and we can access it at any time of day or night.

    The internet has also made it easier for us to shop. In the past, we had to go to the store to buy things. Today, we can buy almost anything we want online, and it will be delivered to our door within a few days.

    1. How has the internet changed the way we communicate?
    2. How has the internet made it easier for us to learn new things?
    3. How has the internet changed the way we shop?

第二部分 语法和词汇(30分)

    长沙一中2024模拟试卷一英语 (长沙一中2023高考喜报)
  1. 用适当的单词或短语完成句子。

    1. I am not sure _______ I will be able to finish this project on time.
    2. The doctor advised me _______ smoking as soon as possible.
    3. The teacher asked the students _______ they had finished their homework.
    4. I wish I _______ more time to spend with my family.
    5. The police are looking for the man _______ robbed the bank yesterday.
  2. 根据括号内的提示完成句子。

    1. The students were very excited about the upcoming field trip. (excited about)
    2. The teacher was very proud of her students' achievements. (proud of)
    3. The doctor was very concerned about the patient's condition. (concerned about)
    4. The lawyer was very optimistic about his client's chances of winning the case. (optimistic about)
    5. The parents were very grateful for the teacher's help with their son. (grateful for)

第三部分 完形填空(20分)


In the bustling city of London, there lived a young artist named Emily. Emily had always had a passion for painting, and she spent hours each day creating beautiful works of art. One day, Emily was walking through the city when she came across a small art gallery. She decided to go inside and take a look around.

As Emily browsed the gallery, she came across a painting that immediately caught her eye. It was a landscape painting of a rolling green meadow, with a clear blue sky above. The painting was so beautiful that Emily could not take her eyes off of it. She knew that she had to have it.

Emily asked the gallery owner how much the painting cost, and she was surprised to learn that it was very expensive. Emily did not have enough money to buy the painting outright, but she was determined to find a way to get it. She asked the gallery owner if she could make payments on the painting, and he agreed.

Emily returned to the gallery every week to make a payment on the painting. It took her several months, but she finally paid off the painting in full. She was so happy to finally own the painting that she had fallen in love with. She hung it in her apartment, and she admired it every day.

One day, Emily was hosting a party at her apartment. She invited all of her friends and family, and she proudly showed them the painting that she had bought. Her friends and family were all impressed by the painting, and they all complimented Emily on her good taste.

Emily was so happy to own the painting. It was a reminder of her hard work and determination. It also made her apartment feel more like home. Emily knew that she would treasure the painting for the rest of her life.


  1. Emily lived in the city of ________.
  2. Emily's passion was _______.
  3. Emily came across a painting in a _______.
  4. Emily could not afford to buy the painting _______.
  5. Emily paid off the painting in _______.
  6. Emily hung the painting in her _______.
  7. Emily's friends and family _______ the painting.
  8. Emily's painting made her apartment feel more like _______.
  9. Emily would treasure the painting for the _______ of her life.
  10. The painting was a reminder of Emily's _______ and _______.

第四部分 写作(

